Even if the voices were a little hollow, the lightning effects more than made up for it.
Even if the voices were a little hollow, the lightning effects more than made up for it.
Had to record everything with the microphone from rockband :'(
A complete pile of...
Genius. my hat is off to you. There is an undeniable charm to you flash works.
Disturbing to see what we really are.
The film, (yes this is more of a film that a simple flash video) has the undertones of so many struggles that cultures face. Is it better to relent and do what society wants or to die at wretched death at their merciless hands. I believe frowny man made the right choice, suicidal as it may be.
And I am with you. Where did they get goth out of this?
This is a work of...
Genius utter genius! Somehow the crappy animation makes it even better. This deserves to be on a mantle devoted to the most original f'ed up things the internet had graced our lives with.
My hat is off to you.
Not as epic as it may seem.
Was rather pointless, but you got a smile out of me. 5/10 for originality in the concept. Hopefully your next animation will have a little more meat to it.
There seemed to be some method to the madness I just witnessed, but I am not quite sure what it was. Altogether it seemed very droll especially with the bad audio. The visuals weren't horrendous, but I do not believe it was worth my time to watch.
As the previous review stated, you seem to at least know how to use flash to a degree, I just think your work need to go in a different direction. Maybe try something more action oriented.
Joined on 8/30/09